Fitch Open House – The Aftermath

Just wanted to post a quick note to say a huge THANK YOU!! to everyone who came out to the open studio event last Friday.  It was all in all a great success.  A ton of people through the doors.  Studio 405 was rocking steady most of the evening.  I barely got a chance to get up from my chair for all the amazing new people I was getting to talk to.  Lots of cards handed out.  Lots of comments on the work. I can’t tell you how excited I was to have the opportunity to meet each and every last one of you.  I wish I would’ve had more time to talk to you all.  There’s just never enough time.  Artists, I think, get used to plugging away in their studios.  Shutting out the world while they work. It’s supremely refreshing to have people come to visit.

So… Thank you all for being there and making it one amazing night.

And for not trashing the place like last year.

Fitch Studio Open House Aftermath
Fitch Studio Open House Aftermath



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